Our favourites

Our favourite photos are like personal treasures, each with its own story. Some of mine are like little time capsules, capturing moments that show how much I’ve grown as an artist and photographer. There’s this special joy in witnessing the evolution of my craft through snapshots that mark those transformative shifts.

Then there are those shots that stand out because, let’s be real, they were a real struggle to capture. But there’s something so satisfying about overcoming challenges to get that perfect shot, you know? These photos aren’t just about the image—they embody the resilience and passion it took to bring them to life.

And don’t even get me started on the ones where inspiration hits like a lightning bolt. It’s like having a fully-formed image pop into your head, and then, bam, you bring it to life with your camera. Those moments are pure magic, turning an idea into a visual reality.

In the world of personal favourites, it’s not just about the end result; it’s about the journey—the ups, the downs, and the creative rollercoaster that is photography. Each photo on my list is like a page in my visual diary, telling stories of growth, determination, and the pure joy of making ideas click. Because in the end, photography is more than just freezing moments—it’s about capturing the soul of a story in every frame.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. joeptully says:

    I so agree. It’s all about the journey and not so much about the end results. My own photographic journey has been in progress for nigh on sixty years at this point and every minute of it has been wondrous. Yes, a challenge at times. Certainly frustrating at others but the journey continues and the life is enriched as a result.

    1. pammyv02 says:

      That’s beautifully put! Your perspective on the journey of photography resonates deeply. Sixty years of capturing moments must have been an incredible adventure filled with learning, growth, and undoubtedly, countless unforgettable experiences. It’s inspiring to hear how enriching the journey has been for you, despite its challenges and frustrations.

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