The ‘why’ of my photography

Lately, the simple act of picking up my camera has felt like an insurmountable task. Life’s relentless demands coupled with personal challenges have cast a shadow over my creative pursuits. Yet, amidst the chaos, I find solace in revisiting the fundamental question: why do I photograph? In the early stages of my journey, I swiftly…

Embracing Authenticity

As children, we’re often asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a query that follows us into adulthood, and the pressure to have a clear answer can be overwhelming. However, what if the journey to discovering our true calling involves unbecoming what isn’t genuinely us in the first…

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Édouard Baldus

Édouard Baldus was a French photographer known for his pioneering work in architectural photography and his contributions to the documentation of French monuments and landscapes. Born on June 5, 1813, in Grünebach, Prussia (now part of Germany), Baldus moved to France in his early twenties, where he began his career as a painter and lithographer….

Silent Echo

Abstracts, like the silent whispers of a building’s soul, encapsulate the essence of architecture in their intricate patterns and designs. Each pattern, with its unique contours and shapes, reflects a different facet of the structure, yet they all intertwine seamlessly to form a cohesive narrative. It’s akin to viewing a kaleidoscope of perspectives, where every…

Our favourites

Our favourite photos are like personal treasures, each with its own story. Some of mine are like little time capsules, capturing moments that show how much I’ve grown as an artist and photographer. There’s this special joy in witnessing the evolution of my craft through snapshots that mark those transformative shifts. Then there are those…

Perspectives in Life and Photography

In both life and photography, the concept of perspective plays a profound role. Just as a kaleidoscope offers a multitude of shifting views, so too does the world around us, and through the lens of a camera, we have the power to capture and explore these perspectives in unique ways. Life is a mixture of…

From Concrete to Culture : The Eye Film museum

In the realm of world-renowned landmarks and cultural icons, my fascination is not drawn to delectable foods or towering structures alone. For me, the allure of a destination lies in its architecture, and when thoughts of Amsterdam arise, it’s the Eye Filmmuseum that captures my imagination. Nestled along the enchanting landscape of Amsterdam, the Eye…

Shifting Perspectives

As I sifted through the pages of my personal library filled with cityscapes, a revelation struck me: the profound transformation of London’s iconic skyline over the years. While my collection of images is far from a meticulously documented archive, I came to recognise their potential significance in capturing the city’s ever-changing visage. The realisation caught…

Embracing Curiosity

In the vast canvas of life, curiosity is the brushstroke that adds vibrancy and depth to our existence. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve come to appreciate the profound importance of following our curiosity, both in navigating life’s twists and turns and in expressing ourselves through the medium of art. Life, much like a captivating…

Navigating the world of photography with instincts

Listening to photography podcasts, I’ve observed a common theme – photographers being asked to give advice to other upcoming photographers. However, one crucial nugget seems to be overlooked: the profound impact of following one’s instincts even in photography. In my journey, I’ve come to appreciate intuition as more than a fleeting feeling—it’s a powerful tool….