Under the sun

Photography is one of the most prolific forms of art and expression. It revolutionised the way we see and capture what we see daily.

Initially, artists in this medium focused primarily on portraiture, still life and landscapes.

During the late 19th Century, in both France and USA , artists started to pictorial photographs. These photographs imitated the effects of paintings, prints and drawings which was referred to as abstract photography. Today, a vast array of photographs are created through experimentation and abstraction exist.

The medium of abstraction is difficult to define in photography. For me, I like to create my abstract images by using patterns and repeats and by isolating portion of scene from its environment. Since almost all my images are in black and white, I tend to focus on shape, form and texture. This method deviates from realism. It is easy since I have never been one for representation.

Abstraction is a conceptual field that I am thoroughly enjoying exploring.

2 Comments Add yours

    1. pammyv02 says:

      Thank you Paula

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