Capturing reflections 

Absolutely, naming photographs can indeed be a challenge. It’s true that some images seem to arrive with their names fully formed, as if they were meant to be paired from the moment the shutter clicked. However, there are those rare instances when an image emerges serendipitously, without an obvious title in mind.

In such cases, the decision to wait for inspiration or to actively brainstorm names can vary from photographer to photographer. Sometimes, allowing time for reflection and allowing the image to speak to you can lead to the perfect title revealing itself. Other times, actively engaging in the process of naming can unlock new dimensions of meaning and interpretation within the photograph.

Regardless of the approach taken, when the right title does emerge, it’s indeed a wonderful thing. It’s like witnessing the completion of a puzzle, where the name not only encapsulates the essence of the image but also adds depth and context to the viewer’s experience.

The great example is today’s image called “Reflection,” a photograph taken 2 years ago in Paris during a birthday trip that didn’t go according to plan. This unexpected turn of events forced me out of my comfort zone, leading me to capture abstract scenes instead of my usual architectural imagery. Surprisingly, this particular image remained unnamed until just last week when the perfect title came to mind as I stumbled upon it on my phone.

“Reflection” perfectly suits this image because not only do we see the reflection of the surrounding architectures, but also a reflection of my growth and flexibility as an artist. In the rippling mirrored facade, there’s a metaphorical mirror reflecting not just the physical surroundings but also the journey I underwent during that transformative period. It serves as a reminder of the beauty that can emerge when we embrace unexpected challenges and allow ourselves to adapt and evolve creatively.

Reflection © Pamela Aminou

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