Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Thomas Annan

Thomas Annan was a Scottish photographer known for being the first to record the poor housing conditions of the poor. Originally from Dairsie in Fife,  Annan moved to Glasgow as an apprentice engraver, and was friendly with a trainee Chemist called, Berwick. They set up business together in 1855 as photographers. Berwick then left to…

Noises, Doubts & Wishes!!!

Here’s to silencing the noises, the doubts and the questions Here’s to listening to that little voice Here’s to perseverance Here’s to believing that wishes do come true Here’s to reaching for the stars Here’s to a another prosperous year. Happy birthday to me!!

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Marc Riboud

Marc Riboud was a French photojournalist with an incredible body work that I believe everyone should be familiar with. He is best known for his extensive reports on the Far East – The Three Banners of China, Face of North Vietnam, Visions of China, and In China. Until 1951 he was an engineer in Lyon…

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Emil Otto Hoppé

Emil Otto Hoppé (1878-1972) was one of the most important art and documentary photographers of the modern era. Hoppe was born in Munich on the 14 April 1878. He moved to London at the turn of the century, where he began experimenting with photography. Beginning art photography in 1903 Hoppé was admitted as a member…

The beauty of difference

Just like many photographers, I have an Instagram account and I check my feed more often than I care to admit. More often I find that I get bored with what I see. Just like many social media networks out there, you can find great and inspiring photographers. However, I tend to see the same…

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Hiroshi Sugimoto

Hiroshi Sugimoto  is a Japanese photographer currently dividing his time between Tokyo, Japan and New York City, United States. sugimoto described his work as a time capsule for a series of events in time. His work also focuses on transience of life and the conflict between life and death. He is deeply influenced by the…

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Jacques – Henri Lartigue

The word “Amateur” has 2 meanings in itself. The first being the antonym to professional and refers to those who pursue something based on love instead of reward. In this sense, it identifies the most sophisticated in a particular field. Many of photography’s great names can be found in this, notably the French photographer and…

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Elliott Erwitt

Elliott Erwitt was an American advertising and documentary photographer born in Paris in 1928. He along with his family immigrated to the US when he was 10 years old settling in Los Angeles. He studied photography and filmmaking at Los Angeles City College and the New School for Social Research. He was drafted into the…

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Fan Ho

Born in Shanghaï, China, in 1931, Ho fist picked up a camera at the age of 13 when his father gave him a Rolleiflex twin lens camera. After moving to Hong Kong later on, he bean to document life on the streets of the bustling city. Largely self- taught, his photos display a fascination with…

Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Frederick H. Evans

Frederick H. Evans was a British photographer known for his platinum prints of architectural interiors of English and French cathedrals. Little is known of Evan’s early life. He initially owned a small bookshop in London where many artists and writers, including George Bernard Shaw and Audrey Beardsley came together. Frederick Evans took some portraits of his…